LIBE 463:

Selection of Learning Resources I

Assignment 3: Resources in Support of the ADST Curriculum, Grades 6 & 7

Computational Thinking

There are lots of ‘free’ sites out there which teach computational thinking through games, like Cool Math Games (which are puzzles and problem solving games), DreamBox Learning, Turtle Academy, etc., which I didn’t include here (since I assume ‘Selection of Resources’ refers to paid ones), but would post on the library website. I am assuming that teachers would also have lists of resources, and that the district website will have some subscription sites available, and eventually a list of resources.

Digital Literacy

The district has a subscription to MediaSmarts, which would be my primary go-to resource for digital literacy, but the resources below offer useful supplements to that site.

Media Arts

These print resources cover a variety of media. This area of the collection contained the fewest resources. Much additional information is available in online tutorials on YouTube and other sites.